Rosedi-autosports has recently added new products to their OMP product line up. Direct from Italy OMP - the Design 2 and Strada. Both Sports seats are based on tubular steel frames, featuring a precision reclining mechanism.........more
Remember, remember, 15th of november...Yaaa...Sounds like V for Vendetta want to remind all of you that the final battle is just around the corner..YAYYYYY!!!I felt the heat already ya...Very HOT, nuclear HOT..So get ready with your Tol money/Touch'N'Go card, RM30 for pit walk or RM 10 for grandstand view..Oh!..Remember RM5 for parking no energy laa to walk that far....And for teams, get ready with Rm200 per car(terms & condition), and give us some show to watch ya...
Welllllllllll.This is confusing.2 event on the same day.But i just want to let you know that this event will be held A'Famosa Resort, Melaka TOMORROW.I think this event is differ with the one which also will be held TOMORROW.
Kalau semua pro dah ada di Elite Speedway, so siapa lagi yang akan ada di A'Famosa?.How come there is two event on the same day.Pelik.Hemmmm.....